As January comes to a close (where did the time go?), it has led me to reflect on a new career I began 17 years ago this month. In January 2008, I started my new role as Director of the Performing Arts Series (PAS) at the University of Central Missouri (UCM). It felt like I had landed the dream job I was destined to have all my life.
I had the privilege of introducing and showcasing world-class musicians, dancers, actors, political leaders, and more to this small town of 18,000 people. At that time, UCM recognized the significance of its role in this part of rural Missouri as the catalyst and vessel for offering important cultural events and experiences that an otherwise underserved population would not have encountered.
I considered myself fortunate to have met and interacted with so many talented and interesting individuals during the 10 years I served in that role. I wondered if perhaps I could share some of those experiences with you. I have countless photos, videos, stories, and more, and I could probably recount something that happened nearly every week.
Ok, so here's my first share.
Shortly after beginning the job, I had the opportunity to travel to New York to attend the world's largest forum for professionals in my industry, the APAP (Association of Performing Arts Professionals) Conference. There, I connected with some of the most talented individuals in the field, formed lifelong friendships, and discovered how truly small this world is.
I was then able to collaborate with my colleagues Michelle Schubert and Dale Carter, along with the staff, to help complete the 2008 PAS Spring season and gain firsthand knowledge of the department and the program. I will always be grateful to them.
Does anyone know the song "Reminiscing" by Little River Band? Well, pay attention, because that's what I'll be doing for a while. I hope you'll enjoy my stories, photos, and lifetime experiences along the way; I really do think you will.